Biuletyn / Bulletin – 31-ego lipca 2022 roku / July 31, 2022

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: (902) 564-4847
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
St. Mary’s Polish Church is a heritage landmark designated by the Province of Nova Scotia

We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Established in 1913. Church rebuilt in 2015-2016. Our second century of faith and service

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Dennis Lamey 902-564-4222;

MSZY/MASSES: PLEASE NOTE: Public health continues to strongly recommend wearing masks in congregate settings

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Osiemnasta Niedziela Zwykła / Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Pierwsze czytanie / First Reading: Koh/Ecc. 1,2;2,21-23
Psalm: 90
Drugie czytanie / Second Reading: Col./Kol. 3,1-5.9-11
Ewangelia / Gospel: Łk 12,13-21
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Panie, Ty zawsze byłeś nam ucieczką / If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts

MASS INTENTION FOR TODAY: For the soul of Delores Starzomski offered by Marilyn and Joe Gillis
MASS INTENTION FOR WEDNESDAY 6:30pm (followed by Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa): For the soul of Mary Pierrynowski offered by Evelyn Wójcik

Special prayers today on the solemn occasion of the 78th anniversary of the start of the Warsaw Uprising: For 63 days, starting on August 1, 1944, people living under an unimaginably brutal occupation managed to retake large parts of the Polish capital from Nazi forces. More than 16,000 members of the Polish resistance were killed in the uprising. And in just a short time, more than 150,000 civilians in the city were killed – many as a result of mass executions during or shortly after the uprising. Today is a day designated to pray for them, to pray for human rights for all, and an end to all forms of hatred, tyranny, and cruelty. Wieczny odpoczynek racz Im dac Panie



CARIBBEAN FESTIVAL: Monday, August 1, 12 noon to 4:00pm on the grounds of St. Philip’s African Orthodox Church. Everyone is welcome!

THE LATE JOHNNY PARUCH WILL BE THE FEATURED ARTIST FOR THIS YEAR’S NOVA SCOTIA POLISH HERITAGE MONTH. We will have a reception on Thursday, September 15. Everyone is welcome. There will be displays, people who performed with Johnny, and we will have a conversation with Jerry Pocius about his research on Johnny. (Jerry spent a lot of time on his research before Stella passed away, and also worked with the Beaton Institute.) There are a number of other activities for NS Polish Heritage Month, and we’ll be sharing invitations to these in the coming weeks.

FAREWELL BARBECUE FOR FATHER DENNIS: Sunday, August 21, 12 noon to 2:00pm, St. Theresa’s Parish Hall. Our parish will be contributing to this. Everyone is warmly welcomed.

UKRAINIAN HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE: Thank you for your continued support in the midst of this terrible human suffering. Special envelopes are at the back of the church. Or you can contribute via our CanadaHelps page.

FOOD CUPBOARD: Please consider bringing a non-perishable food or personal care item (e.g. shampoo, soap, toilet paper) to church when you come to Mass. These items will help stock our food cupboard outside the Polish Village Hall. There is a significant need in our community. Thank you for any help.

OUR POLISH-THEMED RADIO SEGMENTS: The Coast Radio 89.7 (weekdays at 3:50pm and 7:50pm or any time at This coming week's topic will be Polish “lody” (ice cream). Thanks to Bob Lewandowski for lending his voice. Thank you to Bobby MacLean of Aggressive Metal Fabricators for sponsoring the month of August. (He’s working with us on the Twin City Pocket Park Project). On this episode we will also have some quirky facts about “ciepłe lody” (warm ice cream!), developed in the 1950s in Poland, and having a bit of a retro comeback!
We’re always looking for sponsors and volunteers. It’s $100 for a whole week. Sponsors are recognized on air – and any dedications, too (eg. if you’re sponsoring as a memorial or as a birthday or anniversary gift). The Coast is generously redirecting the sponsorships back to the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society (which produces the segments), which has been a big help to the Society. If you think you might like to sponsor a week, please e-mail or call 563-1226. Many thanks!

FR. RICH PHILIPOSKI advises that he plans to arrive September 8. He will be here for much of the fall and residing in the glebe house. Once he gets here, he will happily schedule home visits, blessings, etc.

ALTAR SOCIETY. Many thanks for your dedication. The following is a schedule for the next six months:
August: Marilyn and Joe
September: Jean Annette and Angela
October: Peggy and Lynette
November: Eileen and Ursula
December: Janet and Evelyn
January: Stephanie and Sophie
Tom will substitute for anyone who cannot make it on a particular week (902-563-1226)

PUBLIC HEALTH PROTOCOLS – MASKS STILL STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Thanks for all your kindness, patience, and co-operation through the pandemic.

COLLECTION FOR JULY 24: $1700.00, including $870.00 for the Building Fund. Many thanks, everyone, for your kindness and generosity!

IMO Edmund Ratushny from Marianne Gillis
IMO Bernice Ratushny from Marianne Gillis
IMO Anna and Michael Ratushny from Marianne Gillis
IMO Sister Joseph from Marianne Gillis

THANKS VERY KINDLY FOR YOUR DONATIONS TO OUR PARISH : We are truly grateful for everyone’s generosity through the pandemic. If you are attending Mass, you will find a collection basket near the entrance and exit (since we are not passing around the basket due to the public health restrictions). Also, please free to use the mail: St. Mary’s Polish Parish, 21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5. Donations can also be made securely on-line at Canada Helps (which will email you an instant tax receipt): (link to this site is provided on our parish website homepage). Thanks for your support!



Entrance: Kiedy Ranne Wstają Zorze (The Morning Hymn) – please see Hymn #2 on page 33 of the book in the pews, Przez Pokolenia: Prayers and Customs of St. Mary’s Polish Church.

The Gloria: Chwała na wysokości Bogu/ a na ziemi pokój ludziom dobrej woli./ Chwalimy Cię,/ Błogosławimy Cię,/ Wielbimy Cię./ Wysławiamy Cię./ Dzięki Ci składamy,/ bo wielka jest chwała Twoja./ Panie Boże, Królu nieba,/ Boże Ojcze wszechmogący./ Panie, Synu Jednorodzony,/ Jezu Chryste./ Panie Boże, Baranku Boży,/ Synu Ojca./ Który gładzisz grzechy świata,/ zmiłuj się nad nami./ Który gładzisz grzechy świata,/ przyjm błaganie nasze. Który siedzisz po prawicy Ojca,/ zmiłuj się nad nami./ Albowiem tylko Tyś jest święty. Tylko Tyś jest Panem./ Tylko Tyś Najwyższy,/ Jezu Chryste./ Z Duchem Świętym w chwale Boga Ojca. Amen

Offertory: Wszystko Tobie Oddać Pragnę (I Strive to Give All to You)
1.Wszystko Tobie oddać pragnę i dla Ciebie tylko żyć!/ Chcę Cię Jezu kochać wiernie, dzieckiem/ Twoim zawsze być!
Serce moje weź, niech Twą śpiewa cześć,/ Serce moje duszę moją, Panie Jezu weź.
2. Wszystko Tobie oddać pragnę/ Od najmłodszych moich lat, Pomóż Jezu, By mnie nie zwiódł pokusami swymi świat.
Serce moje …

Communion: Kochajmy Pana (Love the Lord) - choir

Post-Communion: Nie Opuszczaj Nas (Do Not Abandon Us)
1. Nie opuszczaj nas,/ nie opuszczaj nas/ Jezu, nie opuszczaj nas!/ Tyś powiedział, że na ziemi/ Nie zostawisz nas samymi;/ Twoje Serce czuło w niebie,/ Jak nam ciężko żyć bez Ciebie.
2. Nie opuszczaj nas,/ nie opuszczaj nas/ Jezu, nie opuszczaj nas!/ Gdzie pociechę my znajdziemy,/ Gdzie łzy żalu ukoimy? Tylko w Sercu Twoim, Panie,/ I pociecha i wytrwanie.

Recessional: Zdrowaś Maryjo, Bogarodzico (Hail Mary, the Mother of God)
1. Zdrowaś Maryjo Bogarodzico, Błagamy Ciebie, święta Dziewico: Niech łaska Twoja zawsze nam sprzyja, Módl się za nami, zdrowaś Maryja!
2. Wśród czystych duchów w obliczu Pana/ Tyś przenajświętsza, niepokalana/ Jak pośród kwiatów wonna lilija,/ Jak wśród gwiazd zorza, zdrowaś Maryja!

Życzymy błogosławionego tygodnia / Wishing you a blessed week!