Biuletyn / Bulletin – 8-ego maja 2022 roku / May 8, 2022

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: (902) 564-4847
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
St. Mary’s Polish Church is a heritage landmark designated by the Province of Nova Scotia

We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Established in 1913. Church rebuilt in 2015-2016. Our second century of faith and service

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Dennis Lamey 902-564-4222;

MSZY/MASSES: PLEASE NOTE: Although province-wide formal rules have eased, Public health continues to strongly recommend wearing masks in congregate settings

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Czwarta Niedziela Wielkanocna / FourthSunday of Easter

Pierwsze czytanie / First Reading: Dz/Act 13,14.43-52
Psalm: 100
Drugie czytanie / Second Reading: Ap/Rev. 7,9.14b-17
Ewangelia / Gospel: J 10,27-30
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: My ludem Pana i Jego owcami / We are his people, the sheep of his flock

MASS INTENTION FOR TODAY: For the soul of Bradley Tynski offered by Sister Rose Tynski
MASS INTENTION FOR WEDNESDAY'S MASS 6:30pm (followed by Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa): For the souls of John K. and Stella Paruch offered by the Paruch family

During this month of Mary, we pray that the Blessed Mother will lead us to a deeper life of Christian faith and service in these troubled times.



CONDOLENCES: Prayers and heartfelt condolences are extended to Howie and Angela Doiron on the death of Howie’s father, John, this past week. Wieczny odpoczynek racz Mu dać Panie …

Szczęśliwego Dnia Matki! Happy Mother’s Day! At the door close to the Sala/parking lot, there is a basket with Polish rice cakes. Everyone is welcome to take a package!

GRATULACJE! STO LAT! Jancia and Bernie LaRusic will mark their wedding anniversary this coming week (66th!). And “Sto Lat” to Larry Gniewek on his birthday this coming Saturday.

PLEASE MARK ON YOUR CALENDAR: Sunday, May 29 – after Mass: Polish café at the Polish Village Hall. No charge. Everyone is welcome.

UKRAINIAN HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE: A big thank you for the parish’s generosity for Ukrainian humanitarian assistance. This past week, Rada Chair Robert Schella represented our parish at a gathering of the Cape Breton Chordsmen, who are celebrating their 50th anniversary and presented a $1,000 cheque to the parish earmarked to our twin city Wałbrzych’s work caring for refugees. We will be getting those funds to the CBRM on Monday to transmit to Wałbrzych. Our parish has also been supporting Caritas partners working on the ground in Ukraine and Poland (via the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace) and the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (which is a papal charity) for the work it is doing to bring relief in Ukraine. All of these recipients have expressed sincere gratitude to our parish. There are envelopes at the back of the church marked “Ukrainian Humanitarian Assistance.” You can also make a cheque to St. Mary’s Polish Parish and mark “Ukrainian Humanitarian Assistance” in the memo line. Or make a designated, secure donation on the parish’s CanadaHelps page: God bless! Thank you so much for your caring and support!

FOOD CUPBOARD: Please consider bringing a non-perishable food or personal care item (e.g. shampoo, soap, toilet paper) to church when you come to Mass. These items will help stock our food cupboard outside the Polish Village Hall.

MISSALS: Several copies of bilingual Polish-English and English Sunday missals are at the back of the church (table with the red tablecloth) for use in the church.

PUBLIC HEALTH PROTOCOLS – MASKS STILL STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: Thanks for all your kindness, patience, and co-operation.

WEEKDAY RADIO SPOTS ABOUT POLISH CULTURE AND LANGUAGE IN CAPE BRETON: “One Minute Polish Broadcast” airs on the Coast Radio every weekday at 3:50pm and 7:50pm (FM 89.7), and is archived at Learn a new Polish word, phrase, or cultural tradition. Presented by the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society. Would you consider sponsoring a whole week of our radio segments for $100? The Coast has kindly agreed to allow the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society to do this as a fund-raiser (they are not charging for air time). Sponsors will be acknowledged on air (IMOs are welcome, birthday tributes, etc). Dziekujemy! We’re recruiting volunteers to go on air (pre-recorded). We’ll help you get ready. No previous experience required, and you do not have to be a Polish speaker. This coming week's radio segment features Bigos Polish stew. Thank you to Nicole MacCormack for lending her voice and to Anna Wesołkowska for sponsoring the segment in memory of Mary Pierrynowski.

COLLECTION FOR May 1: $925.00. Thank you very kindly for your support of our parish. Bόg zapłaƈ! 

THANKS VERY KINDLY FOR YOUR DONATIONS TO OUR PARISH : We are truly grateful for everyone’s generosity through the pandemic. If you are attending Mass, you will find a collection basket near the entrance and exit (since we are not passing around the basket due to the public health restrictions). Also, please free to use the mail: St. Mary’s Polish Parish, 21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5. Donations can also be made securely on-line at Canada Helps (which will email you an instant tax receipt): (link to this site is provided on our parish website homepage). Thanks for your support!

Congratulations to James Clarke on receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this past week. The parish’s prayers are with you! (Photo by Edyta Bączyk)



Entrance: Dzisiaj pozdrawiamy, Maryjo, Ciebie (Today we praise you, Mary)
Dzisiaj pozdrawiamy, Maryjo Ciebie /Jak Cię pozdrawiają anieli w niebie Zdrowaś, zdrowaś Panno Maryjo
Boś Ty jest Matuchną Syna Bożego/ Tyś Królowo nieba, świata całego Tyś jest godną Maryjo, tego
Tobie się kłaniają chóry anielskie / Ciebie pozdrawiają duchy niebieskie Ciebie prosi i plemię ludzkie

Offertory: Z Rąk Kapłańskich (From Priestly Hands)
1. Z rąk kapłańskich przyjmij Panie/ Tę ofiarę chleba wina/ Co się wkrótce dla nas stanie Krwią i Ciałem Twego Syna.
2. Niech przestępstwa nasze zmywa/ I uśmierza gniew Twój Panie/ Niech nas z niebem pojednywa/ I uzyska przebłaganie.

Communion: Kiedyś, o Jezu, chodził po świecie (Once Jesus Walked Upon the Earth) (choir)

Post-Communion: Wstał Pan Chrystus (Christ is Risen) p.46, number 24 of the book in the pews Przez Pokolenia: Prayers and Customs of St. Mary’s Polish Church.

Recessional:  Zdrowaś Maryjo Bogarodzico (Hail, Blessed Mary) p.55, number 38 of the Przez Pokolenia book in the pews

Życzymy błogosławionego tygodnia / Wishing you a blessed week!