Biuletyn / Bulletin – 1-ego listopada 2020 roku / November 1, 2020

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: (902) 564-4847
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
St. Mary’s Polish Church is a heritage landmark designated by the Province of Nova Scotia

We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Established in 1913. Church rebuilt in 2015-2016. Our second century of faith and service

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Dennis Lamey 902-564-4222;

MSZY/MASSES: PLEASE NOTE: CHURCH RE-OPENED FOR MASS ON JULY 5, with health and safety requirements and pre-registration. Please see below for more information.

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Trzydziesta Pierwsza Niedziela Zwykła / Thirty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time
Wszystkich Świętych / All Saints

Pierwsze czytanie: Ap 7,2-4.9-14
Psalm: 24
Drugie czytanie: 1 J 3,1-3
Ewangelia: Mt 5,1-12a

First Reading: RV 7:2-4, 9-14
Psalm: 24
Second Reading: 1 JN 3:1-3
Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12a

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Oto lud wierny, szukający Boga / Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face

MASS INTENTION FOR TODAY is for Dawn Marie and Michael Ardelli offered by the Ardelli family

Wednesday Masses and Novena to Our Lady of Czestochowa are not being held during this phase of re-opening.

Altar Society designated volunteers for November: Marilyn Gillis, Joe Gillis

PLEASE NOTE: Please see the end of the bulletin for the detailed public health protocols specific to our church. Please note that we are using a pre-registration system, where persons attending must receive a prior call. If you have not recently been called, please contact Stephanie Black (902-578-3697). Thanks very kindly.

AFTER-MASS PROTOCOL: We depart out the side entrance, row by row, starting with front rows and maintaining distancing. Singing of “Sto lat” for birthdays and anniversaries can happen outside with distancing, as indoor singing is not permitted at this time because of the health regulations. Many thanks. Dziekujemy bardzo!



Fr. Dennis still has on-line Mass available:

PARISH UPDATE MEETING TODAY: After Mass today (Nov. 1), Parish Update Meeting, including financial and nominations reports. We will stay in the main part of the church with physical distancing. We are not anticipating that this will be a long meeting! For fellow parishioners who are not present, we will provide the written updates. Please don’t hesitate to communicate back any questions!

PRAYERS FOR THE SOUL OF FR. IGOR: As was sadly reported in an e-mail to fellow parishioners who are on our e-mail list, Fr. Igor passed away on Tuesday in Lviv, Ukraine, after battling serious effects from COVID-19. He will be greatly missed -- a faithful priest with a big heart, full of life, and open to others. A tireless leader in his home communities. Please keep him in your prayers. May his soul rest in peace. Wieczny odpoczynek racz mu dac Panie. Here is a note that Fr. Rich posted on his Facebook page: Śp. Ks./Fr. Igor Kozhydlo April 21, 1976- October 27, 2020. Many of my Las Vegas and Sydney (NS) friends and former parishioners will remember the young priest who I invited to Las Vegas (twice) and Sydney(once)  to substitute for me.   Father Igor was pastor of my grandmother's home parish in Mosty Wielkie now in Ukraine. I met him in I believe 2008. He helped me reconnect with the places from which two grandfathers and one grandmother came from. I made several trips to Ukraine and he was always a most gracious host. I helped him with the rebuilding of my babcia 's(grandmother) church.  Just this July after 13 years in one parish where he renovated two churches, he was reassigned to a new group of churches further east in the Tarnopol region. Unfortunately, he may have caught the Covid virus from his mother who died of the disease at the end of July. He spent many weeks in the hospital in intensive care and the Lord allowed him to pass today October 27th. May God grant him eternal life!  Wieczny odpoczynek racz mu dac Panie! Vicnaja Pamjat! – note from Fr. Rich Philiposki

A REQUEST FOR NON-PERISHABLE ITEMS: If you are registered to attend Mass this Sunday (or in the following weeks), and if you can, we would be very grateful if you could bring a non-perishable food item or personal care item. There will be a box at the entrance. These items will help to stock our Food Cupboard outside the Polish Village Hall and also assist Loaves and Fishes.

FOOD CUPBOARD AT THE POLISH VILLAGE HALL: We were recently able to put some fresh greens and herbs from the parish food garden into the Food Cupboard at the Polish Village Hall for people to take the same day.

AVAILABILITY OF THE POLISH VILLAGE HALL: With public health restrictions and limitations, rentals are available for certain smaller activities, subject to detailed protocols (similar in some ways for those in place for the church) and a cleaning surcharge. Please contact Bernie LaRusic at 902-561-6500. Thanks for your ongoing support!

WEEKDAY RADIO SPOTS ABOUT POLISH CULTURE AND LANGUAGE IN CAPE BRETON: The Coast Radio: Every weekday at 3:50pm and 7:50pm (FM 89.7). It’s called the “One Minute Polish Broadcast”. Learn a new Polish word, phrase, or cultural tradition. Presented by the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society. Would you consider sponsoring a whole week for $100? The Coast has kindly agreed to allow us to do this as a fund-raiser (they are not charging for air time). Sponsors will be acknowledged on air (IMOs are welcome, birthday tributes, etc). Dziekujemy!  And, we’re recruiting volunteers to go on air (pre-recorded). We’ll help you get ready. No previous experience required, and you do not have to be a Polish speaker. This is a great way for us to bring forward members of our community, as well as promote and share Polish language and culture in our region.Our radio theme this coming week will be“zaduszki” – Polish customs for All Souls Day. Guest will be Marilyn Gillis. And this week we will recognize the parish as a sponsor because of the close co-operation and tangible support over many years between the parish and the Society.

PRE-CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AT THE POLISH VILLAGE HALL: This will be scaled down (just 12 vendors) with capacity and traffic carefully regulated for physical distancing, and names for contact tracing, among other measures. It is scheduled for Saturday, November 14, from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. For vendor information, please contact Nicole MacCormack at 902-371-5088

COLLECTION FOR OUR PARISH OCTOBER 25th: $1013.80, including $20 for the Building Fund.
If you are attending Mass, you will find a collection basket near the entrance and exit (since we are not passing around the basket due to the public health restrictions).

IMO Louise Baker from Janette Magliaro

DONATIONS TO OUR PARISH: Thanks very kindly for any help you can provide toward our ongoing expenses. Donations can be made securely on-line at Canada Helps (which will email you an instant tax receipt): (link to this site is provided on our parish website homepage). Or by regular mail to St. Mary’s Polish Parish, 21 Wesley St., Sydney, N.S. B1N 2M5. Thanks for your support! It’s really appreciated. Bog zaplac!

THE GOOD FOOD BUS will be at the Polish Village Hall next Saturday, November 7, from 1:00pm to 2:30pm. This is like a mini farmers’ market on wheels. Everyone is welcome. The collaboration with the Good Food Bus has been going very well.

DE-BRIEFING MEETING ON POLISH HERITAGE MONTH: will be part of a Zoom call of the Atlantic Canada District of the Canadian Polish Congress next Sunday, November 8, at 7:00pm. You are most welcome to participate. Please speak with Tom Urbaniak ( or 902-563-1226) for a link or phone number.

ST. MICHAEL’S POLISH BENEFIT SOCIETY ZARZAD (BOARD) MEETING: This evening at 7:00pm (option to attend in person with distancing or by speaker phone). Although the meeting is only obligatory for board members, other St. Michael’s members are always welcome at Board meetings.

A RECENT MESSAGE ON TWITTER FROM POPE FRANCIS: “Those who love may be sure that none of their acts of love will be lost, nor any of their acts of sincere concern for others, nor any single act of love for God, nor any generous effort, nor any painful endurance. All of these enfold our world like a vital force. #FratelliTutti"

POLISH CUSTOMS FOR OBSERVING ALL SAINTS’ DAY AND ALL SOULS’ DAYThe website provides an excellent summary of how people who are connected to the Polish heritage usually mark these important days:
1.Participate in the tradition of Zaduszki, lighting candles at and visiting the graves of deceased relatives. The candles, znicze, of All Saints Day are uniquely designed to burn for hours as a prayerful symbol of light to help the souls of the dead find their way. Cemeteries are also decorated with small lanterns. The metal covers of the lanterns help to protect the flames from the wind.
2.Bring fall flowers or wreaths to place on the graves. In Poland yellow and white chrysanthemums are traditionally used to decorate graves as are asters. Since the Polish wreaths and flowers of All Saints’ Day are nearly exclusively made of chrysanthemums, these flowers aren't used to celebrate more festive occasions. Kwiat and znicze (flower and candle) markets are set up outside the gates of some graveyards.
3.Ensure that prayers will be said for your loved ones by bringing Wypominki to a priest. Wypominki is essentially a piece of paper with the name of the deceased written upon it. Traditionally the paper has a black border and serves as a prayer intention or request.
4.Serve food to the poor. The tradition in Poland is to set places for the souls of dead family members.


Parafialne Spotkanie Aktualizacyjne – 1 listopada 2020
(Uroczystość Wszystkich Świętych)
Parish Update Meeting – November 1, 2020 (All Saints Day)

“Serdeczny Bόg zapłaƈ” to fellow parishioners.

Thanks for all the patience and goodwill. Our church was closed for almost four months, something that has never happened in our 107-year history. And even when we re-opened, there have been adjustments. But overall as a parish we have remained healthy, and we will make it through.

Thank you for the co-operation with all of the public health requirements.

Thank you for looking out for each other and for neighbours – for the calls, notes, greetings, deliveries, and more.

We kept the weekly bulletin going through the pandemic and expanded it to keep everyone informed and connected. It’s mailed by post to parishioners who are not on e-mail. We have not missed a Sunday bulletin.

During the shutdown, we also found ways to connect on social media – for prayer, an on-line Polish Cape Breton ceilidh, Facebook posts, e-mail updates.

Meanwhile, the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society, which works closely with the parish, became part of a group of agencies in the CBRM that were helping out with food during the pandemic. St. Mike’s delivered groceries every week to people in the Pier and surrounding area. A Food Cupboard was started. And the partnership with The Good Food Bus expanded.

During the pandemic, St. Mike’s also started a weekday radio feature on The Coast, which has involved our parishioners. A number of parishioners have lent their voice to the radio recordings about Polish culture – and information about our parish as well.

Thanks to fellow parishioners for your weekly contributions of food and personal care items, which go to the Food Cupboard and Loaves and Fishes.

In spite of the challenges, the first-ever Nova Scotia Polish Heritage Month was a big success. From now on, every September is designated as Polish Heritage Month by the Nova Scotia House of Assembly. We managed to pull off some excellent in-person events with physical distancing – including a photo exhibit, take-out dinner, a beautiful plaque unveiling in Glace Bay, a film screening at the Highland Arts Theatre, as well as many on-line features – a guest lecture, workshop with our sister city, featured authors, and more.

Thank you to the Rada, Finance Committee, property volunteers, Altar Society, lectors, altar servers (on pause for the time being), Eucharistic ministers, ushers, and everyone who has been working so well together to keep our parish going.

Thank you for the financial support, which has kept our financial situation healthy, despite the pandemic. The generosity and sense of community are deeply appreciated.

A warm thank you to Fr. Dennis for his calm and gracious presence and spiritual leadership. He has now been our pastor for a little over two years.

Thank you for your continued prayers for the work of the parish.

[Financial statements were distributed to parishioners by e-mail or regular mail and appended. If you have not received them, please be in touch with the parish. Many thanks!]

(will be presented on behalf of the committee by Marjorie Ardelli)

The Nominations Committee this year consisted of the following parishioners who are not currently members of the Rada: Janet Hawthorne, Krista Ann Starzomski, and myself. In addition, Past Rada Chair Tom Urbaniak, who is also not currently on the Rada, having reached the six-year term limit in 2018, served on the Nominations Committee with us.

The parish by-laws state that the Rada should have eight members, in addition to the Pastor. The Rada is the Parish Council. It works with the Pastor and fellow parishioners to provide oversight, planning, problem solving, and coordination to the work of the parish. It works with fellow parishioners and the broader community to keep us rooted in faith and service. The Rada should also foster Polish customs, culture, and language in the context of a vibrant Catholic faith community.

The duty of the Nominations Committee is to try to ensure that there are at least as many candidates as there are positions and to be conscious of different skillsets, experience, perspectives, and age demographics, all contributing to positive lay leadership and a sense of Christian service.

We have been blessed to have Radas that bring a faithful, positive, cooperative spirit to the parish and that have calmly navigated through very challenging situations.

In advance of this meeting, announcements were made in the bulletin inviting anyone who might be interested in being a candidate for the Rada, or in recommending someone, to communicate with the Nominations Committee.

After six consecutive years, the by-laws require a Rada member to be off Rada for a minimum of one year before re-offering.

As per our practice every year, nominations must be made in advance. This gives time for some discussion with candidates about the roles, and it also allows the Pastor to review the list of candidates, which is a step required by church law.

The election at a parishioners’ meeting is specifically for the members of the Rada. Calls for volunteers for the various committees will be put out in the weeks ahead by the new Rada. At its first meeting after this meeting, the Rada will elect its officers, including its Chairperson for the next year.

We join fellow parishioners in giving heartfelt thanks to two Rada members who have reached the six-consecutive-year mark this year. They are Stephanie Black and Anne Marie Campbell. We deeply value all they do as parishioners and leaders. Although they will not be on the Rada this coming year, we know they will continue to provide active leadership in the parish in various ways, and advice and support to the Rada. We appreciate them very much.

We are pleased to report that there are eight candidates who are either offering or re-offering for the Rada, and we will be recommending a motion to confirm them. They are, in alphabetical order:
Angela Doiron, who is re-offering
Joe Gillis, who is offering for a first term. We all know Joe as a very active parishioner, retired educator, and we’re grateful he agreed to let his name stand
Ursula Melski Jr, who is re-offering
John Morykot, who is re-offering
Sophie O’Toole, who is re-offering
Bernie Paruch, who is re-offering
Jerry Pocius, who is re-offering
Robert Schella, who is offering for the first time. Robert brings a very constructive approach to the organizations he is part of. He has a Master of Social Work degree, and we are grateful to him for allowing his name to stand.

God bless! Dziekujemy bardzo!


Dear Fellow Parishioners and Friends:
Below are the public health requirements related to Mass attendance, as applied specifically to our church. These have also been posted on our parish website and Facebook page. Thank you so much for your patience, understanding, and goodwill as we collectively adjust. Please also see #3 and #4 below about the pre-registration / seat-designation system for Mass attendance.   Dziekujemy bardzo serdecznie! Z Bogiem.


  1. The COVID-19 virus is still a danger to our community, province, and country. As we have seen with our neighbours south of the border, it can re-spread very quickly. Please stay safe.
  1. We as a parish must abide by all applicable guidelines to ensure the safety of all, while being able to worship in a safe way. This requires patience as we adapt to a new form of attending Holy Mass.
  1. For the first week (Sunday, July 5), parishioners were being randomly called until our smaller capacity is reached to maintain social distancing. If you are not sure if the parish has your telephone number, or if you wish to ensure that the parish has a current telephone number for you, please call Stephanie Black at 902-578-3697 to leave your telephone number. In subsequent weeks, persons who could not attend the previous week were being called first.
  1. At this time, attendance can only be through the pre-registration process outlined in #3. The parish will maintain a record of everyone who is present and their contact information (for contact-tracing should the need arise).
  1. Please ensure that you are completely free of any of the potential COVID symptoms. If you are registered to attend, but feel at all ill (eg. fever, colds), or feel poorly for any reason, please do not attend. There is a dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass.
  1. Masks are now mandatory. (All attendees have been wearing masks in church – and masks were available at the entrance. Thank you!) Please remember that this is also for the safety of others.
  1. Physical distance of two metres (six feet) will be required inside and outside the church (if not in family bubbles). Everyone is requested to avoid handshakes, hugs and other close contact.
  1.  Every second pew will be signed as “not in use,” as well as the entire side aisles of the church. Those pews that are being used will have the required spacing indicated.
  1. Entry will be through Wesley St. doors. Staged (gradual) exit will take place through side (parking lot) doors.
  1. There will be hand sanitization at the entrance.
  1. There will be no choir for the time being, as per the public health requirements.
  1. There will be one lector and no altar servers.
  1. The church will be sanitized (pews, knobs, etc) after use in order to be fully clean for each Mass.
  1. Ushers will assist with seating, from a distance.
  1. There will be no Holy Water in the hand fonts.
  1. Fr. Dennis will explain protocols for Communion, which will necessitate social distancing and extreme prudence.
  1. Communion will be distributed only in the hand. The Priest will wear a mask, and he will sanitize his hands before and following Holy Communion. It is not permitted at this time to take Holy Communion to anyone outside the church.
  1. Confession remains on an as-requested basis, maintaining social-distancing guidelines.
  1. Other church in-person gatherings remain suspended for the time being.
  1. There will be no paper bulletins in the church. Bulletins will continue to be provided electronically (on Saturday) or by regular mail (Canada Post). Please do not hesitate to e-mail or call (; 902-563-1226) if there is anyone who is not currently receiving a bulletin who would like to receive a bulletin. 
  1. Hymnals, brochures, and other items in the pews have been removed for the time being.
  1. Collection baskets will be placed at the entrance and exit. (Collection will not be conducted in the usual way.) Thank you kindly for your support.

Życzymy błogosławionego tygodnia / Wishing you a blessed week!