Biuletyn / Bulletin – 1-ego marca 2020 roku / March 1, 2020

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: (902) 564-4847
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
St. Mary’s Polish Church is a heritage landmark designated by the Province of Nova Scotia

We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Established in 1913. Church rebuilt in 2015-2016. Our second century of faith and service

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Dennis Lamey 902-564-4222;

MSZY/MASSES: Sunday at 9:30am, Wednesday at 6:30pm
Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa following the Wednesday evening Mass

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Pierwsza Niedziela Wielkiego Postu / First Sunday of Lent

TODAY’S MASS INTENTION (9:30am Mass) is for Dave Marchand offered by Anne Marie Campbell

Ushers for collection today: Toni LaRusic, Robert Melski Jr.



Wednesday, March 4, 6:30pm Feast Day of St. Casimir The Mass intention is for Bronia Markotich offered by Jancia and Bernie La Rusic. Praying of the Rosary will precede the Mass (at about 6:10pm). Novena to Our Lady of  Częstochowa will follow the Mass.

Saturday, March 7, 11:30am First Saturday of the month Mass

Sunday, March 8, 9:30am The Mass intention is for Nelgah MacDonald offered by Shirley Ardelli and family
Lectors: Edyta Baczyk, Bernie Paruch
Eucharistic Minister:
Altar Servers: Kristofer Starzomski-Wilson, James Clarke, Robbie Melski
Ushers: Bernie LaRusic, Tony Gniewek
Altar Society designated volunteers for March: Marilyn Gillis, Joe Gillis
Care Committee: to visit or send a card, please call Catherine Tucker (902-567-0146) or Vicki Aucoin (562-7142)

Collection receipts for Sunday, February 23: $747.00 (including: $ general collection, $ monthly, $ flowers, $ votive candles, $ loose, $ fuel, $ Community Kitchen Project, $76.00 building fund). Thank you very much for your generous support of St. Mary's Polish Parish. Dziekujemy bardzo.

MASS INTENTIONS / VIGIL CANDLE: To reserve Mass Intentions / Vigil Candle, please contact Fr. Dennis directly at 902-564-4222 or speak with him before Mass. (There is no fee for Mass intentions.)

IN MEMORIAM DONATION: In Memoriam donations will be acknowledged in the bulletin. Building Fund contributions will go toward the new church. To contribute to the Rebuilding Fund, if you do not have an envelope, you can write on your regular envelope or cheque “Designated to the Rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish Church.”




IMO Raymond (Ray) Ryan from Ursula and Michael Melski
IMO Walter Ryba from Joe and Patricia Ryba

LUNCH AFTER MASS TODAY: Everyone is welcome. There is no charge.

LOAVES AND FISHES: If you brought an item for Loaves and Fishes, thank you! There will be a tote box at the entrance to the lunch area today in Sala 1050

ST. MICHAEL’S POLISH BENEFIT SOCIETY: Zarząd (Board) Meeting, this evening at 7:00pm

POLISH RELIGIOUS EASTER CARDS, offered for sale by the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society, can be found in the Polish Micro-Market basket at the back of the church.

CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST AND CONVERSATION WITH THE HONOURABLE MAYANN FRANCIS: Polish Village Hall , Friday, March 13, 8:30am to 10:00am. There is no charge. Dr. Francis (former Lieutenant Governor; from the Pier) will be speaking about building caring communities for children.

COMMUNITY MARKET – FREE TABLES: Coinciding with the Good Food Bus on the afternoon of Saturday, March 14, Polish Village Hall. A great chance to sell or show locally produced items, do a display, promote services to the community. Please contact Nicole MacCormack at 902-371-5088 to reserve a table (limited quantity); .

GENERATING IDEAS AND PROJECTS FOR POLISH HERITAGE MONTH: Everyone is invited to think of projects large and small to mark Nova Scotia’s first ever Polish Heritage Month coming up this September – readings, small get-togethers, house concerts, student projects, artwork, etc., etc. We will be compiling a database of projects!

DESIGNING A PROPOSED SPECIALIZED “POLISH HERITAGE” LICENSE PLATE: The Atlantic Canada District of the Canadian Polish Congress (which is headquartered at the Polish Village Hall) is submitting a recommendation package to the province, which would (if approved) allow motorists to have an option for a Nova Scotia “Polish Heritage” license plate (similar to other specialized/themed license plates offered by the province). A portion of the fee would go into a cultural support fund.  We would love to get some of your ideas jotted on paper at the lunch after Mass today!

WINTER GOOD FOOD BUS will regularly be at the Polish Village Hall (indoors). Fresh produce at very affordable prices. There will be tables set up inside the Polish Village. Everyone is welcome. Next Food Bus visit is Saturday, March 14, 1:00pm to 2:30pm. Everyone is welcome.

THE COMMUNITY KITCHEN: Every Wednesday, 11:30am to 1:00pm at our church. Free (or donate what you can) wholesome meals in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Everyone is welcome. Thank you to all volunteers and donors.

KAIROS CAPE BRETON: Monday, March 23 (bringing together churches of diverse denominations to work on common issues). Gathering and potluck at our church with guests from Care and Repair Cymru (Wales). Everyone is welcome.

ŚWIĘTY KAZIMIERZ JAGIELLOŃCZYK/ST. CASIMIR – ONE OF THE PATRON SAINTS OF POLAND AND LITHUANIA (FEAST DAY – MARCH 4):  Although St. Casimir died at the young age of 25 (in 1484), his short time as prince-regent of Poland was marked by prudence, tolerance, and a search for peace.  St. Casimir lived a modest, prayerful life. He did not like wealthy trappings. His policies focused on having noble families share their bounty with the poor. In some parts of Lithuania and Poland, the Feast of St. Casimir is marked by “Kaziuk” markets. As we participate in our communities as citizens, and as we assume leadership roles in our parish and in community organizations, we ask for the same grace and wisdom. Święty Kazimierz, módł się za nami! St. Casimir, pray for us.

"Lent is a great time to make space for the Word of God. It is time to turn off the TV and open the Bible. It is a time to pull ourselves away from cell phones and connect ourselves to the Gospel.” --A message on Twitter from Pope Francis

PARISH CARE GROUP: Please advise of anyone to whom we should reach out with prayers, a note, call, wishes, etc. Please call Vicky Aucoin (562-7142) or Catherine Tucker (567-0146).

PHOTOGRAPHS OF PARISH EVENTS: Vicky Aucoin has been compiling parish scrapbooks. As parish events happen, she’d be really grateful if you could share your photos! Vicky’s telephone number is 562-7142.

IN MEMORIAM / BUILDING FUND ENVELOPES / REBUILDING FUND ENVELOPES are at the back of the church. Many thanks for your support.

TO CONTRIBUTE ON-LINE TO OUR REBUILDING, PLEASE GO TO OUR PARISH WEB HOME PAGE ( and please click the link to our Canada Helps donation page. It’s a secure system and you’ll receive your charitable tax receipt promptly. Thanks for your support! Please spread the word.

REBUILDING FUND CONTRIBUTIONS: Building Fund contributions will go toward the new church. To contribute to the rebuilding if you do not have an envelope, you can also write on your regular envelope or cheque “Designated to the Rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish Church.”.Donations can also be made by regular mail: St. Mary's Polish Parish 21 Wesley St. , Sydney, N.S. B1N 2M5. Thank you so much for your support.

THE RENOVATED AND REFURBISHED POLISH VILLAGE HALL is a comfortable, well appointed, modernized venue for events large and small. Please consider renting the hall for your events.The beautifully renovated downstairs is now available again for rentals for holiday parties or other occasions Please call 564-8494

Życzenia na błogosławionego tygodnia / Wishing you a blessed week!


TODAY'S HYMNS: 9:30am Mass
Entrance: Zdrowaś Maryjo Bogarodzico (Hail, Blessed Mary) 
Psalm: Zmiłuj się, Panie, bo jesteśmy grzeszni (Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned) Pronunciation: Zm-EE-wooy / sh-e-w / pa-nee-e / bo / yest-ESH-mi / gsh-ESH-ee
Offertory:Ach Mój Jezu (Oh, My Jesus)
Communion: Dobry Jezu Racz Wysłuchać (Gracious Jesus, Please Hear Us)
Post-Communion: Krzyżu Chrystusa (Cross of Christ)
Któryś za nas cierpiał rany, Jezu Chryste, zmiłuj się nad nami [3x] (You who suffered, wounded for us, Christ Jesus have mercy on us.)


Wielki Post (vee-YEL-kee post) -- Lent (literally: the great fast)
Post (post) -- fast
Modlitwa (mohd-LEET-fa) -- prayer
Jałmużna (yaw-MOOJ-na) -- almsgiving
Czterdzieści dni (chter-JESH-chee dnee)
Swięty Kazimierz (shvee-EHN-tih kaj-EE-myerj) -- St. Casimir (1458-1484), humble crown prince of Lithuania and Poland
Patron Polski i Litwy (PAT-ron POL-skee ee LIT-vih) -- Patron of Poland and Lithuania
Tradycja kazujkowego jarmarku (trad-ITS-ya kaz-ooy-ko-VA-go yarMAR-koo) -- fair (street festivals in honour of
Wilno (VEEL-no) -- Vilnius
Piernikowe serca (pyer-nee-KO-veh SER-tsa) -- Gingerbread hearts (often made on St. Casimir’s Day)