Biuletyn / Bulletin – 18-ego września 2016 roku / September 18, 2016

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: (902) 564-4847
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Established in 1913. Church rebuilt in 2015-2016. Our second century of faith and service

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Rich Philiposki 902-564-4847 or cell 902-577-6331

MSZY/MASSES: Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday & Friday at 6:30 p.m.
Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa following the Wednesday evening Mass
Chaplet of Divine Mercy following the Friday evening Mass

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Dwudziesta Piąta Niedziela zwykła / Twenty Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

TODAY’S MASS INTENTION is for Stella Ryba Granville offered by Frania & family. Wieczny odpoczynek racz Jej dać, Panie, a światłość wiekuista niechaj Jej świeci. Niech odpoczywa w pokoju wiecznym. Amen

Eucharistic Minister for today: Frank Starzomski

Ushers for collection today: Joe Gillis, Robert Melski Jr.



WEEKDAY MASSES: Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:30 p.m. Please invite others. Everyone is welcome! Novena to Our Lady of Czestochowa following our Wednesday Mass. Chaplet of Divine Mercy following our Friday Mass.

Sunday, September 25, 10:00 a.m. The Mass intention will be for Leo Bennett offered by Julia & family.
Lectors: Stephanie Black, Edyta Baczyk                                                                
Eucharistic Minister: Janet Hawthorne
Altar Servers: As noted by Father Rich last Sunday, we are now inviting all altar servers to serve at each Mass.
Ushers: Robert Melski Sr., Larry Gniewek
Greeters: Victoria Aucoin, Stephanie Black
Altar Society designated volunteers for September: Peggy Ryba, Delores Starzomski
Care Committee: to visit or send a card, please call Catherine Tucker (902-567-0146)

Collection receipts for Sunday, September 11: $1853.65 (broken down as follows: $813.65 general collection, $1040.00 rebuilding fund). Thank you very much for your generous support of St. Mary's Polish Parish. Dziekujemy bardzo.

MASS CARDS: To reserve Mass Intentions please call Carolyn Ardelli-Kiley 902-539-1725.

IN MEMORIAM DONATION: To make an In Memoriam donation, please speak with Shauna MacKay. These will be acknowledged in the bulletin. Building Fund contributions will go toward the new church. To contribute to the Rebuilding Fund, if you do not have an envelope, you can write on your regular envelope or cheque “Designated to the Rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish Church.”

“IMIENINY” (NAME DAYS) FOR THE COMING WEEK. Help to maintain a longstanding Polish Catholic tradition by acknowledging relatives, friends, and colleagues who are celebrating their “name day,” corresponding with the feast day of a saint of the same name.  Where there is more than one saint of the same name who has been assigned a day, your “name day” is the one closest to your birthday. It is customary in the Polish tradition to acknowledge the name day of a relative or friend:
September 18: Irena
September 19: Konstancja, Teodor
September 20: Agnieszka, Barbara, Dionizy, Eustachiusz, Eustachy, Fausta, Faustyna, Filipina, Irena, Klemens
September 21: Jonasz, Laurenty, Mateusz, Mira
September 22: Joachim, Maurycy,  Scott, Tomasz
September 23: Elżbieta, Krzysztof, Piotr, Tekla, Zachariusz
September 24: Gerard, Maria, Teodor, Tomir, Uniegost
September 25: Aurelia, Franciszek, Kamil



Niech bedzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus! (Praise be Jesus Christ!)

Today at the end of Holy Mass I will bless the new holy image of Our Lady of Czestochowa (the "Black Madonna) that was painted in Czestochowa, Poland. We brought it back together with the other picture of the Merciful Jesus (Divine Mercy) returning from the World Youth Day image. Our Lady's picture is a gift from Frania (Ryba) McKay and family in memory of Jozef and Antonina Ryba. The Divine Mercy also painted in Poland is scheduled to be blessed next Sunday (Sept.25). The beautiful picture of the Merciful Jesus was sponsored by Shirley Ardelli and family in loving memory of Michael Ardelli.

I want to thank you for your most warm welcoming last Sunday for my first Mass in our new church. Many thanks to all who brought food and other items to the reception on the lawn after Mass.

This past Wednesday we celebrated our first regular weekday Mass at the traditional 6:30 hour followed by the Novena prayers through the intercession of Our Lady of Czestochowa. Following Mass the Parish Rada met at the Glebe to discuss many matters including the state of phase II construction, calendar of events and fund raisers ahead, weekday and additional Sunday Mass times, parish ministries, religious education, garage and storage area for the Glebe as well as stall shower installation.

We will schedule Holy Mass on 3 evenings during the week. There will be Mass on Mondays at 6:30 p.m.(beginning October 10th) with devotions to St. Monica. I am awaiting novena  cards from the states as well as minor repair to the statue of St. Monica. Meanwhile, we will have Mass every Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 p.m. On Friday we will recite and sing the chaplet to Divine Mercy before the Blessed Sacrament and conclude with Benediction. Morning Masses will begin on All Saints Day (November 1st) on Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 a.m.

NEW SECOND SUNDAY MASS (beginning Sunday, November 6th)
It was decided that we would experiment with a second Mass on Sunday. We formerly had two Masses on the weekend.  As I have two Masses on Saturday at the churches in Big Pond and Johnstown, I cannot offer a Saturday Mass as we had previously at 4 p.m  Instead we will offer a Sunday Mass at 4 p.m. As no Sydney area parish has any Mass after 11 a.m. till 6 p.m.(at Our Lady of Fatima) we will be able to serve not only our parishioners but others that may find it convenient to fulfill their Sunday obligation because of work, sports etc.

PREP CLASSES (Parish Religious Education Program)
When our children were baptized as infants or small children, parents and Godparent sponsors  made a vows or promises before God to being up their children in the faith. This means to be the first teachers about God and to being them to the other Sacraments of the Church. Every Catholic child should be be formed and educated in the faith through religious education. We will restore our own classes on Sunday morning after the 10 a.m. Mass. Registration will be next Sunday. Classes will begin on Sunday, October 2nd.

I would like to invite all children (boys and girls) who have made already their first holy communion as well as teens in junior or senior high school to become an altar server as either Junior Knight of the Altar (boys) or Maiden of Our Lord and Lady (girls). Altar servers will be all invited to serve at Sunday Mass as we will have additional functions for everyone. We will have additional opportunities to serve on some weekday Masses and the coming second Sunday Mass that begins in November. There will be a competitive point system with rewards for those who earn more points. Two outings a year will also be planned for the year with Father Rich and adult chaperones. Next Sunday (Sept. 25) there will be a training session after Mass for all present and future servers.

In gratitude to the popular saint who helps us find us find lost items (our missing bag full of items for our church) we will secure a statue (I have a sponsor from Las Vegas) of St. Anthony and initiate short devotions when we begin Tuesday morning Mass. We will have a free will offering taken at that Mass (called St. Anthony Bread) that will go support a local charity such as Loaves and Fishes.

As our prayers were answered and the lost bag made its way to the right Sydney (Not Australia!) we have some beautiful items that Father purchased for the parish that need a sponsoring benefactor:
Gold chasuble (vestment) of St. John Paul II - $125
Gold chasuble (vestment) of Divine Mercy     -$125
Altar cloth embroidered -- $150                     
Statue of Saint Monica - $800
Statue of Saint Stanislaus Bishop -- $800
Other items (server's paten, altar server capes, chalice covers, hymnals, pisanki, rosaries and other items for Dozynki or Bazaar) are a gift.


PHASE 2 OF OUR CONSTRUCTION: This started on Monday, September 12th! The first increment will include mechanical and electrical, ceiling, lighting, and drywall. The goal is to do enough work to get a basic occupancy permit for “Sala 1050” (back section) as soon as possible, and then work on the next steps (like the kitchen) following more fund-raising. This first increment should take 3-4 weeks.

FUND-RAISING FOR COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION: To complete Phase 2, we will still need to raise about $83,000. This will include several fall events, appeals for corporate and organizational sponsorships, and individual donations. Phase 2 rebuilding envelopes are at the back of the church.

IN MEMORIAM / BUILDING FUND ENVELOPES are at the back of the church. Many thanks for your support.

IMO Julia & Antoni Nowak / Jack & Georgia LaRusic from Toni LaRusic
IMO Joseph Dziubek from Gary & Joyce Murphy

Dear friends,
      I have shared with Father Rich and the Rada that I will step down as Chair of  Rada in January, though I will continue to serve as a member of Rada. And I will be available to help out in other ways.
      In January, I will be starting a six-month research-project sabbatical at work. And … this change will give me some more time to settle into married life. I believe we are now at a point as a parish where it’s easier to make a smooth transition to a new Chair of Rada.
      I feel very grateful to you – and very hopeful about the future of our parish. With God’s help, we were able to come through so much adversity together to reach this point. We stayed together. We stayed dedicated to our faith, to serving others, to our heritage, and to our parish. I believe that the Blessed Mother and St. John Paul II interceded for us. Thank you for your prayers, hard work, and for never giving up. Serdecznie dziękuję!
     And thank you for your kindness and friendship to me personally during the past four years in this role and the 12 years since I moved to Cape Breton and joined St. Mary’s Polish Parish. I love our parish and everyone who is part of it.
     I'm looking forward to working with you, with our pastor Father Rich, and with our next Rada Chair in the years ahead.
Niech Was Bóg błogosławi!  
 - Tom Urbaniak

UPCOMING EVENTS: Please note in your calendar the following to support our rebuilding: Dożynki Polish Harvest Festival -- Sunday, October 30; Pre-Christmas bazaar: Saturday, November 19. Dinner theatre and St. Nicholas/concert dates will be announced soon.

FUND-RAISING CARD SOCIAL FOR OUR REBUILDING: Wednesday, October 5, 12 noon, Polish Village. Tickets: Peggy Ryba (902-562-2195) or Catherine Tucker (902-567-0146).

UROCZYŚTOŚć ŚWIĘTEGO MICHAŁA / FEAST OF ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL: On Sunday, October 2nd after Mass (the Sunday closest to the feast day), everyone is invited to lunch in the Polish Village Hall. The St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society will have a special cake.

The St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society holds its next regular meeting next Sunday at 7 p.m. If you are interested in being a member of the Society, or learning more about its work, please call 902-537-1417 or 902-563-1226.

POLISH CLASSES: Registration for Polish classes to start next week.

PARISH WEBSITE: Our parish website ( includes a link to a video of our Mass of dedication as well as photographs of our first open house. There is also a link to make a secure on-line donation to Phase 2 of our rebuilding through Canada Helps. Through this feature, you can receive a tax receipt instantly. Thank you so much to our parish webmaster, Chris Shipley.

TRANSLATION OF TODAY’S SECOND READING (1 TM 2:1-8): Beloved: First of all, I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone, for kings and for all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all devotion and dignity. This is good and pleasing to God our saviour, who wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth. For there is one God. There is also one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as ransom for all. This was the testimony at the proper time. For this I was appointed preacher and apostle — I am speaking the truth, I am not lying —, teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth. It is my wish, then, that in every place the men should pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger or argument.

TO CONTRIBUTE ON-LINE TO OUR REBUILDING, PLEASE GO TO OUR PARISH WEB HOME PAGE ( and please click the link to our Canada Helps donation page. It’s a secure system and you’ll receive your charitable tax receipt promptly. Thanks for your support! Please spread the word. We are hoping to be able to start Phase II (hall/library/kitchen) very soon after the church opens.

REBUILDING FUND ENVELOPES are at the back of the church. Thank you for your support.

REBUILDING FUND CONTRIBUTIONS: Building Fund contributions will go toward the new church. To contribute to the rebuilding if you do not have an envelope, you can also write on your regular envelope or cheque “Designated to the Rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish Church.”. Donations can also be made by regular mail: St. Mary's Polish Parish 21 Wesley St. , Sydney, N.S. B1N 2M5. We still need to raise about $150,000 to complete Phase 2. Thank you so much for your support.

THE RENOVATED AND REFURBISHED POLISH VILLAGE HALL is a comfortable, well appointed, modernized venue for events large and small. Please consider renting the hall for your events. Please call 564-8494.


Życzenia na miłego nowego tygodnia / Wishing you a blessed week! Bóg zapłać!


Entrance: Kiedy ranne wstają zorze [When the Morning Dawn is Breaking]
Offertory: Każda żyjąca dusza [Every Living Spirit]
Communion: Daj Mi Jezusa [Grant Me Jesus]
Post-Communion: Cześć Maryi [Honour to Mary]
Proceed to icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa: Sing Czarna Madonna; Prayers/Blessing; Sing Maryjo, Królowo Polski (Mary, Queen of Poland)
Closing: Serdeczna Matko [Beloved Mother]