Biuletyn/Bulletin – 19-ego sierpnia 2012 roku/ August 19, 2012

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: 564-4847; Fax: 564-2260
Preparing for our 100th anniversary (2013).
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Paul Murphy 564-4355
MSZA ŚWIĘTA jest odprawiana w niedziele o godz. 9.30
HOLY MASS: Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.



Wednesday, August 22, 6:30 p.m.: Mass followed by Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa
For the late John Farrell offered by Michael & Ursula Melski

Sunday, August 26, 2012 – 9:30 a.m. Feast of Our Lady of Częstochowa
In memory of Blanche Melnick offered by Steve and family

Lector: Aggie Stephenson
Eucharistic Minister: Marilyn Gillis
Altar Servers: Nikolas & Noah

Collection receipts for Sunday, August 12: $650.12. Thank you for your support in sustaining St. Mary’s Polish Church.

“IMIENINY” (NAME DAYS) FOR THE COMING WEEK. Help to maintain a longstanding Polish Catholic tradition by acknowledging relatives, friends, and colleagues who are celebrating their “name day,” corresponding with the feast day of a saint of the same name:
August 19: Emilia, Jan, Julian, Juliusz, Piotr
August 20: Jan, Samuel, Samuela
August 21: Emilian, Filipina, Franciszek, Joanna, Kazimiera
August 22: Cezary, Dalegor, Maria
August 23: Filip, Laurent
August 24: Bartłomiej, Jerzy, Joanna Michalina
August 25: Grzegorz, Luiza, Michał, Sieciesław
August 26: Joanna, Konstanty, Maksym, Maria   



GREETER’S SCHEDULES:  Next Sunday (August 26), schedules for greeters for the next few months will be available. New volunteers are welcome: Please speak with Marjorie Ardelli or Carolyn Kiley. Thank you and God bless to our volunteer greeters, who welcome people before Mass. You help everyone to feel special in this holy place.

UPDATE—INTERIM FINANCE COMMITTEE: Last Sunday, there was a call for volunteers to serve on the Interim Finance Committee for the next month until a Special General Meeting of the parish. The volunteers (Shauna McKay, Edmund Rudiuk, Paul Tynski, Jola/Andrzej Cebula, Janusz Wawrzyszyn) held an initial meeting on Thursday. The following are highlights:
-Andrzej Cebula was nominated as Chair of the Interim Finance Committee.
- The committee is reviewing past records to fully understand all operations. (Thank you to Bernie LaRusic and Francis Wall for their transitional assistance.)
- The committee will draft a budget to the end of 2012.
- The committee received an update from the volunteers on the Property Working Group (Catherine Tucker, Herb Tucker, Paul Tynski). Local renovation expert Len Harris did a check-up of the property (no charge) and found it to be in overall good repair. Priority issues are the roof section on the one-storey (lean-to) back extension. This will need to be done very soon at an estimated cost of $2,000 - $2,500. Furthermore, there are some cracks in the foundation that will not be expensive to fix but which should be addressed soon (at a cost of approximately $1,000 – which would include painting and therefore also an aesthetic improvement) to prevent moisture seepage and damage. Some exterior paint work and interior ceiling work (less urgent) is also recommended. The chimney will need to be redone in 3-5 years. Estimates for the immediate work are in the process of being obtained.
- The Interim Finance Committee will continue to provide updates of its work and welcomes parishioners’ feedback. Please do not hesitate to speak with any of the members.

STATUTES/POLICIES COMMITTEE: In response to last week’s call for volunteers, the Ad hoc Committee on Parish Statutes and Policies is now constituted. An update will be available shortly, and it is intended to have recommendations before September 16.

POLISH FESTIVAL:  The Festival Committee is welcoming donations of small prizes in original packages for the children’s games.  A special box will be appropriately placed next Sunday near the back of the church to receive any donations. The festival is on Sunday, Sept. 9th, beginning following Mass.

ACTION WEEK POLISH FOODFEST: DZIĘKUJEMY: Thank you to all volunteers who helped with the extensive work of preparing and serving Polish dinners for the Action Week event at the Polish Village Hall (Saturday, August 11). There were 285 dinners served!

TALBOT HOUSE: Bishop Brian Dunn is urging parishioners to write to their local MLAs and to the Department of Community Services in support of the campaign to re-open Talbot House. The bishop notes as follows:
As you are aware, Talbot House was founded over 50 years ago by Father John Webb and has been in continuous use as a home for men from across our region and province, whose lives had become unmanageable due to addiction. I would guess that no matter where you live, someone from your area, and maybe from your own family, has been helped by Talbot House. In these 53 years since it began, thousands of lives have been saved, families have been reunited, hope has been restored and those who once lived amid the desperation and despair which comes with chronic addiction have found a reason to live, hope and celebrate.

Holy Father’s Recent Remarks in Polish to Pilgrims at Castelgondolfo: “Zawierzając wszystko Bogu, jak powstańcy warszawscy, trwając w jedności z Chrystusem, nie zbłądzicie w codziennych wyborach wartości, nawet gdy świat będzie was kusił mirażami szczęścia i rozrywki. Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus!”
"Entrust everything to God, as did the people of the Warsaw uprising, being united with Christ. Do not err in your daily choices, even when the world may tempt you with mirages of happiness and pleasure. Praised be Jesus Christ!"

St. Albert Chmielowski (Brother Albert) – renowned for his work with the homeless and suffering – born August 20, 1845; died on Christmas Day, 1916.


Idźmy tulmy się jak dziatki by Iwon Czeżowski, SJ (1814-1889), who composed other often-sung hymns, including “Alleluja! Jezus żyje!”

This is one of the classic Polish spiritual hymns. Please join in singing …
(Note: Words and sequence may vary somewhat, and there are additional verses; please refer to #174 in our hymnal.)

Idźmy tulmy się jak dziatki,
Do serca Maryi Matki,
Czy nas nęka życia trud,
Czy to winy czerni brud!
Idźmy, idźmy ufnym krokiem,
Z rzewnym sercem, łzawym okiem.
Serce to zna dzieci głos,
Odwróci bolesny cios.

Ach, to serce dobroć sama,
Najczulsze z córek Adama,
Jest otwarte w każdy czas,
Samo, szuka, wzywa nas:
„Pójdźcie do mnie dziatki moje,
Wyczerpując łaski zdroje,
Kto mnie znajdzie, życie ma,
Temu Syn zbawienie da”.                     

Let us find comfort as children would,
At the heart of Mary our Mother,
Whether we are burdened by life’s toil,
Or overcome with awful dirt!
Let's go forth with a confident step,
With a wistful heart, and a tear-filled eye.
This is a heart that knows a child's voice
That turns away a painful strike.

Oh, your heart is goodness itself,
Most sensitive of the daughters of Adam,
It is welcoming at any time,
It searches and it calls forth to us:
"Come forward to me, my children,
Exhausting the springs of grace,
Who will find me has life,
And to that one the Son will give salvation. "

As always, we acknowledge and congratulate the choir of St. Mary’s Polish Church (known as the St. Cecilia Choir, directed by Mary Pierrynowski), widely regarded as one of the most beautiful church choirs in the province.