Biuletyn / Bulletin – 10-ego listopada 2013 roku / November 10, 2013

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: (902) 564-4847
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Celebrating 100 years of faith and service (1913-2013)

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Paul Murphy 564-4355

MSZY/MASSES: Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. followed by Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa. Praying of the Rosary begins prior to Mass at approximately 3:35 p.m.

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Trzydziesta Druga Niedziela zwykła / 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

TODAY’S MASS INTENTION is for Julia Nowak offered by the family. Eternal rest grant onto her O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon her. Wieczny odpoczynek racz Jej dać Panie, a swiatłość wiekuista niechaj Jej świeci na wieki wieków. Amen

The Vigil Candle this week is for deceased members of the Baker and Kiec families offered by Jean Annette and Richard White

Eucharistic Minister for today: Marilyn Gillis

Ushers for collection today: Steve Melnick, Bernie LaRusic



Wednesday, November 13, 4:00 p.m. Mass followed by Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa. Praying of the Rosary prior to Mass beginning at approximately 3:35 p.m. The Mass intention will be for Hannah Foley offered by Herb and Catherine Tucker.  

Sunday, November 17, 9:30 a.m. The Mass intention will be for Zygmunt Sokol offered by Helena Sokol.
Lectors: Anne Marie Campbell, Andrzej Cebula     
Eucharistic Minister: Janet Hawthorne                    
Altar Servers: Carolyn Kiley, Marjorie Ardelli        
Ushers: Wilfred Ingram, Michael Melski
Greeters: Dorothy Rozeluk, Peggy Ryba
Altar Society volunteers for November: Marilyn Gillis, Joe Gillis, Peggy Ryba, Lynette Ryba                      

Collection receipts for Sunday, November 3:  $1138.10 (broken down as follows: $650.00 weekly contribution, $205.00 monthly supplementary contribution, $81.00 candles, $72.10 loose, $50.00 fuel, $80.00 building fund. Thank you very much for your support of St. Mary’s Polish Parish. Dziękujemy serdecznie!

MASS CARDS/VIGIL CANDLE: Contact Tom Urbaniak (563-1226)

IN MEMORIAM DONATION: To make an In Memoriam donation, please pick up one of the IMO cards/St. Mary’s Polish Church envelopes at the back or speak with Shauna McKay. These will be acknowledged in the bulletin. We also welcome donations to the Building Fund, as we continue with improvements and repairs.

“IMIENINY” (NAME DAYS) FOR THE COMING WEEK. Help to maintain a longstanding Polish Catholic tradition by acknowledging relatives, friends, and colleagues who are celebrating their “name day,” corresponding with the feast day of a saint of the same name.  Where there is more than one saint of the same name who has been assigned a day, your “name day” is the one closest to your birthday. It is customary in the Polish tradition to acknowledge the name day of a relative or friend:
November 10: Andrzej, Lena, Leon, Ludomir, Stefan
November 11: Anastazja, Bartłomiej, Maciej, Marcin, Spycisław, Teodor  
November 12: Cibor, Czcibor, Jonasz, Krystyn, Marcin, Renata, Witold
November 13: Arkadiusz, Eugeniusz, Jan, Mikołaj, Stanisław
November 14: Aga, Agata, Damian, Elżbieta, Emil, Emiliusz, Józef, Judyta, Ścibor, Ścibora, Wszerad
November 15: Albert, Alfons, Artur, Gurias, Idalia, Józef, Leopold, Leopoldyna, Przybygniew, Roger
November 16: Edmund, Marek, Maria, Niedamir, Otomar, Paweł, Piotr
November 17: Grzegorz



PRAYING OF THE ROSARY – Every Wednesday before the 4 p.m. Mass (beginning at approximately 3:35 p.m.).

CATECHISM AND POLISH CULTURAL CLASS, for school-age children, led by Krista Ann Starzomski, downstairs after Mass. Today’s class will have a special remembrance theme.

THANK YOU TO OUR VETERANS! May God bless you: At today’s Mass, we will read the names of deceased veterans from our parish. The list includes the names on our framed scroll, plus additional names that have been provided over the past two weeks in response to a notice in the bulletin. In their honour, and in recognition of all Canadian and Polish veterans (many of whom served side by side), the following is the refrain from what could be considered the Polish version of In Flanders Fields. It’s called Czerwone Maki na Monte Cassino (literally “Red Poppies on Monte Cassino”):
Czerwone maki na Monte Cassino
Zamiast rosy piły polską krew...
Po tych makach szedł żołnierz i ginął,
Lecz od śmierci silniejszy był gniew!
Przejdą lata i wieki przeminą,
Pozostaną ślady dawnych dni!..
I tylko maki na Monte Cassino
Czerwieńsze będą, bo z polskiej wzrosną krwi

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Please leave your filled shoeboxes at the back of the church. Thank you for your participation! If you have any questions, please speak with Suzanne Campbell (270-2859).

Thank you for the non-perishable food contributions last Sunday. It was a very successful collection, and the items have been delivered to Loaves and Fishes.

IMO John Tynski from Nellie Tynski
IMO Colin MacCormack and Jan Lubkowski from Janina MacCormack
IMO Julia & Antoni Nowak from Jancia & Bernie LaRusic
IMO Susannah Tucker from Peggy Ryba
IMO Susannah Tucker from Lynette Ryba
IMO Susannah Tucker from Mary Pierrynowski
IMO Susannah Tucker from Aggie & Peter Stephenson
IMO Susannah Tucker from Joan Mosher and Zelda MacPhail
IMO Charlie Reid from Joan Mosher
IMO Charlie Reid from Mary Pierrynowski
IMO Charlie Reid from Aggie & Peter Stephenson
IMO Helen Fagan from Sydney Memorial Chapel
IMO Sobol family from Marilyn Morrison

AN APPEAL FOR FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Several of our parishioners are assisting two seniors who are in urgent need of a safe and heated home. This week, if all goes well, they will be moving to a home owned by the Housing Authority just a few steps from our church. Anyone who can contribute some furniture or household items, please speak with Anna Wesolkowska or Tom Urbaniak. Thank you. 

NEW DISPLAY STAND FOR THE BREAD AND SALT PRESENTED BY OUR PARISH TO BLESSED POPE JOHN PAUL II: Frank Starzomski and carpenter Marc Butot worked on this as a service to the parish, and there was no charge for labour. The idea is that this would be permanently displayed in the church. This artifact has great meaning to everyone in the parish, so please take a look at where it is now (near the stairs to the choir) and let any member of the Rada if you are happy with this location or would prefer a different one, and if you think there should be any changes/additions to the design of the display.

RECLAIMING ITEMS FROM THE PARISH CENTENARY EXHIBIT (OR ALLOWING THEM TO REMAIN FOR A LONG-TERM DISPLAY): If you would like to reclaim items that you lent to the parish centenary exhibit, please come to the hall at 1:30 p.m. today. There will be a further opportunity (to be announced). Or if you would like your items to remain for a smaller, long-term display in a separate locked room in the hall that would be appreciated, too. Any unclaimed items will become part of that exhibit.

A GREAT GIFT! Gift Certificates for the Polish Village Hall: For the first time, you can give a gift certificate that can be redeemed by the recipient for a hall rental (upstairs or downstairs). Both areas have been totally refreshed, and there are facilities for large events and small gatherings/receptions. So please consider giving one to friends or family, or local organizations that may be planning parties and events. The certificate is on card stock, artfully designed. If you would like to purchase one, please speak with Bernie LaRusic.

WELCOMING PEOPLE (BACK) TO CHURCH: As part of our outreach, letters of welcome and introduction from Father Paul will be sent to former parishioners or people who might wish to join us. We are blessed to have a warm and welcoming parish, journeying together in faith and service, with a unique identity and a living heritage, where people genuinely care about each other. If you know someone who might appreciate a letter, please share his or her name (and mailing address if possible) with Marjorie Ardelli, Secretary of the Rada -- 794-2910;

TRADITIONAL POLISH PEACOCK FEATHER FUND-RAISER – POLISH VILLAGE HALL: In last week’s bulletin, there was a letter from the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society inviting parishioners and friends of the parish to sponsor one of the newly painted traditional peacock feathers (for example, “in memory of…”) in the refreshed and refurbished downstairs meeting and reception area. The name will be printed below the feather. There are only a few remaining. Please speak with Bernie LaRusic.

SWIĘTO NIEPODLEGŁOŚCI – NOVEMBER 11 -- A DAY OF REMEMBRANCE AND HOPE: November 11th – the day of the armistice ending World War I in 1918 -- is also the day when Poland became an independent country again after a long period of occupation. Some of the ancestors of our parishioners were involved in that struggle. As such, for people of Polish heritage, November 11th is a holiday of both remembrance and hope. For the 123 years preceding 1918, Poland had been partitioned between Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Germany/Prussia. Between 1918 and 1939, Poland maintained its independence. However, the beginning of World War II on September 1, 1939, saw the country invaded first by Germany and then by the Soviet Union. The first Chief of State of the post-1918 independent Poland was the legendary Józef Piłsudski. For many years his portrait graced our very own Polish Village Hall   This old portrait was found during the recent renovations and is once again displayed in the hall (in the downstairs exhibit area).

Invitation: POLISH CONSULTATE’S RECEPTION FOR POLISH INDEPENDENCE DAY: Monday, Nov. 18., 6-8 p.m., Marriott Harbourfront Halifax (1919 Upper Water St.) RSVP: : 902-219-0408.

TRADITIONAL POLISH CAROLLING IN THE COMMUNITY: Please set aside the evening of Sunday, December 29, either to be a Polish caroller or to receive carollers at your home. More details to follow.


CHRISTMAS CONCERT: Our Lady of Fatima Church on Sunday, December 15th, from 2-4 pm. Performances will be by the KOC Choir, the Gaelic Choir, the Hospital Choir and the Sacred Heart Choir, all under the direction of Shauna Doolan. Soloists include Jule Martell, Mary Isabel MacDonald and Peter MacDonald. Special guest performances by Fr. Francis Cameron, Janet Cameron and Donnie Campbell. Tickets are $12.00 each and can be purchased in the parish office at Our Lady of Fatima or from any of the choir members. Children under 12 admitted free.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT: The Parish of Saint Leonard will host a Christmas Concert with The Burke Family, Steven Muise, Jennifer Shepherd, Richard Burke & Jordan Crocker on Sunday, November 24th at 2 pm in the Parish Church of Saint Leonard, Mount Carmel Avenue, New Waterford. The Burkes’ CDs will be available for purchase. Tickets ($15.00) are available at the Pastoral Centre 862-2255.

THE RENOVATED AND REFURBISHED POLISH VILLAGE HALL is a comfortable, well appointed, modernized venue for events large and small. Please consider renting the hall for your events. Please call 564-8494.


Wishing you a blessed week! Bóg zapłać!


Entrance: Idźmy, tulmy się jak dziatki [Let Us Seek Solace in Him] -- #174 in the coil-bound hymnal
Offertory: Nie Opuszczaj Nas [Forsake Us Not] -- #143
Communion: Pan Jezus już się zbliża [The Lord Jesus is Drawing Near] -- #123
Post-Communion: Z Dawna Polski Tyś Królową [Over the Centuries, Queen of Poland] -- #199
Closing Hymn: [in honour of tomorrow’s Polish Independence Day] -- Boże, Coś Polskę [God Save Poland] -- #244.