Biuletyn / Bulletin – 26-ego maja 2013 roku / May 26, 2013

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: 564-4847
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Celebrating 100 years of faith and service (1913-2013)

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Paul Murphy 564-4355

MSZY/MASSES: Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. followed by Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Uroczystość Najświętszej Trójcy / Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

TODAY’S MASS INTENTION is for Jim Leonard offered by the Kyte family. Eternal rest grant onto him O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. Wieczny odpoczynek racz Mu dać Panie, a swiatłość wiekuista niechaj Mu świeci na wieki wieków. Amen.

The Vigil Candle this week is for Brenda Joseph offered by Wayne & family.

Eucharistic Minister
for today: Frank Starzomski

for collection today: Toni LaRusic, Wilf Ingram

Uroczystość Najświętszej Trójcy / Trinity Sunday:
The story is told of St Augustine of Hippo, a great philosopher and theologian. He was preoccupied with the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity. He wanted so much to understand the doctrine of one God in three persons and to be able to explain it logically. One day he was walking along the sea shore and reflecting on this matter.  Suddenly, he saw a little child all alone on the shore. The child made a hole in the sand, ran to the sea with a little cup, filled her cup with sea water, ran up and emptied the cup into the hole she had made in the sand. Back and forth she went to the sea, filled her cup and came and poured it into the hole. Augustine drew up and said to her, “Little child, what are you doing?” She replied, “I am trying to empty the sea into this hole.” “How do you think,” Augustine asked her, “that you can empty this immense sea into this tiny hole and with this tiny cup?” She answered back, “And you, how do you suppose that with your small head you can comprehend the immensity of God?” With that the child disappeared.  
- Fr Munachi E. Ezeogu, cssp



Wednesday, May 29, 4:00 p.m. Mass followed by Novena to Our Lady of Czestochowa. The Mass intention will be for Colin Carroll offered by Walter and Priscilla Wójcik.

Sunday, June 2, 9:30 a.m... The Mass intention will be for Tadziu and Michael Baryluk offered by Marilyn and Joe Gillis.
Lectors: Anna Wesołkowska, Janusz Wawrzyszyn
Eucharistic Minister: Janet Hawthorne
Altar Servers: Caleigh, Nicholas, Matthew
Ushers: Steve Melnick, Michael Melski


Collection receipts for Sunday, May 19:  $837.00 (broken down as follows: $531.00 weekly contribution, $238.00 monthly supplementary contribution, $48.00 candles, $20.00 loose. Thank you very much for your support of St. Mary’s Polish Parish. Dziękujemy serdecznie!

 “IMIENINY” (NAME DAYS) FOR THE COMING WEEK. Help to maintain a longstanding Polish Catholic tradition by acknowledging relatives, friends, and colleagues who are celebrating their “name day,” corresponding with the feast day of a saint of the same name.  Where there is more than one saint of the same name who has been assigned a day, your “name day” is the one closest to your birthday. It is customary in the Polish tradition to acknowledge the name day of a relative or friend:
May 26: Filip, Marianna, Paulina, Ewelina
May 27: Jan, Juliusz, Lucjan, Magdalena, Radowit
May 28: Augustyn, Jaromir, Wiktor, Wrocimir
May 29: Bogusława, Maksymilian, Maria, Magdalena, Teodor, Urszula
May 30: Feliks, Joanna
May 31: Aniela, Bożysława, Teodor
June 1: Saereh, Bernard, Jakub, Konrad, Magdalena, Nikodem, Świętopełk
June 2: Eugeniusz, Maria, Marianna, Mikołaj, Piotr, Racisław



FOR OUR BOŻE CIAŁO (CORPUS CHRISTI) CELEBRATION NEXT SUNDAY (3 P.M.), which is a very special and holy occasion, please wear traditional Polish attire or a St. Michael’s suit, if you have it. We also welcome any contributions of flowers to decorate the church.

SUNDAY, JUNE 2 (FEAST OF CORPUS CHRISTI) – A NOTE ON LUNCH PREPARATIONS: Our parish’s June lunch will take place not after Mass, but after our Corpus Christi celebration (which begins at 3 p.m.). Responsible for lunch this month are (with thanks!): Ursula and Michael Melski, Liz Melski, Tony Melski, Linda Morykot, Joan Mosher, Florence Paruch, Patricia Paruch, Stella Paruch, Rose and Albert Oursen, Mary Pierrynowski, Dorothy Rozeluk, Edmund and Maria Rudiuk, Lynette Ryba, Peggy Ryba, Catherine and Herb Tucker, Nellie Tynski

RADA DUSZPASTERSKA (PARISH COUNCIL) MEETS WITH BISHOP DUNN AND THE DIOCESAN PASTORAL PLANNING COMMITTEE:  Wednesday’s meeting started with a detailed presentation on St. Mary’s Polish Parish, including a supplementary report addressing the Bishop’s criteria and our special characteristics, and an eight-and-a-half-minute video about the parish. The Rada members all thought the discussion that followed was quite constructive and encouraging. Please keep praying for our parish, and thank you to everyone for working so hard and working together. May it continue for many, many years to come! Rada members will stay at the back of the church today after Mass a little longer than usual for any parishioners who wish to discuss, and Rada members will make a point of circulating among the tables at next Sunday’s lunch following the Corpus Christi celebration to receive any feedback on this or any other parish planning matters. Bóg zapłać! (We hope to upload the video to the parish website this week. Thanks to Patricia Nalepa and CBU’s Eastern and Central European Communities Project.)

DO YOU NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE ON THE ALTAR? Many of the brass articles have been refinished/repaired, including the cross and candleholders on the high altar, tabernacle door, processional cross, and chalice. The work was done by Brian Tetford, whose name was shared with the Finance Committee by Father Paul and who has extensive experience with religious articles. Also, the faded plaque honouring Father O’Connell at the back of the church is in the process of being repaired.

ST. MICHAEL’S POLISH BENEFIT SOCIETY meets this evening at 7 p.m.

TICKETS NOW ON SALE -- THE MEN OF THE DEEPS WILL BE PERFORMING A CONCERT IN HONOUR OF OUR PARISH CENTENARY! It will take place on the evening of Saturday, July 6, 2013, at the Boardmore Playhouse, Cape Breton University, 8 p.m. Tickets are available from Tony Melski (537-1417). The event will be hosted by the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society. The Choir of St. Mary’s Polish Parish will be participating, and the evening will be interspersed with short stories about our founders and early immigrants. The Men of the Deeps will have songs appropriate for the occasion, and the Polish Consul General will present a commemorative Polish miner’s uniform.

REVISED ALTAR SOCIETY SCHEDULE FOR THE NEXT SEVERAL MONTHS is on the table at the back of the church. There were requests for some changes to the schedule that was distributed last week, and we have a few new volunteers (thank you!). The revised schedule is on the back table.

June 2 – Anna Wesolkowska, Janusz Wawrzyszyn
June 9 – Anne Marie Campbell, Frank Starzomski
June 16 – Elaine Tynski-Shipley, Tom Urbaniak
June 23 – Stephanie Black, Tony Melski
June 30 – Jola Cebula, Frank Starzomski

June 2 – Janet Hawthorne
June 9 – Kay Violande
June 16 – Suzanne Campbell
June 23 – Frank Starzomski
June 30 – Marilyn Gillis

June 2 – Steve Melnick, Michael Melski
June 9 – Joe Gillis, Robert Melski Sr.
June 16 – Bernie LaRusic, Robert Melski Jr.
June 23 – Toni LaRusic, Wilf Ingram
June 30 – Joe Gillis, Steve Melnick

Altar servers’ schedules and greeters’ schedules have been distributed separately (by Krista Ann Starzomski and Marjorie Ardelli/Carolyn Kiley, respectively). Thank you for your service in various ministries. It is very encouraging that the number of volunteers is continually growing!

BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS WELCOME: The weekly bulletin is our collective newsletter for our faith community. Please don’t hesitate to provide content in Polish or English or suggestions (563-1226;

FUND-RAISING PLANT/GARDEN SALE (to benefit the church and hall) – Saturday, June 8, starting at 8:30 a.m., Polish Village Hall: We would be grateful for donations of plants. If you would like free pots (for the donated plants), there are some downstairs after Mass today. If you can spare extra pots or other kinds of containers for plants, please bring them to the church (downstairs) next Sunday. Volunteers to help out with the sale would be much appreciated. Please speak with Catherine Tucker (567-0146).

OGRÓDEK (POLISH FOOD GARDEN): ): In last week’s bulletin, we reported that a suggestion was shared with the Rada that some parishioners are interested in having a small Polish garden on the parish grounds for food/herbs and ornamentals, especially those common in Poland. This would be one of our service projects: some of the food would be for our parish meals and some would be donated to Loaves and Fishes for its meals. We also invited suggestions about what should be grown and how to make the project sustainable. There have been some good developments in the past week. ACAP Cape Breton is willing to assist us, and Len Vassallo (one of the leading food gardeners in the region – who also happens to be a cousin of Catherine Tucker), who is on their board, visited the parish a few times this week. He also found cedar for raised beds at a shop that was closing out in Orangedale. He is willing to help us direct things, according to our specs. Tony Melski picked up free compost at the CBRM landfill yesterday. Pathways is another agency willing to be involved, and weather- permitting their crew will be here on Tuesday to work on preparations and to build raised beds. So we may be ready to have the soil blessed immediately following our Corpus Christi celebration next Sunday! But it is still not too late to suggest what should be grown (there will probably be no actual planting yet this week) and how it should be designed. Would you or any of your friends like to help? Do you have ideas for how it should look? Do you have some plant transplants that you could share? Please speak with any member of the Rada or call 563-1226. Thank you!

OUR DRAMATIC PRODUCTION OF THE ODYSSEY OF THE POLISH TREASURES: Meeting today at 1:30 p.m. at the Polish Village Hall for all those interested in having a part – large or small – in our dinner theatre production of THE ODYSSEY OF THE POLISH TREASURES – or just interested in learning more. The play, based on Prof. Al Balawyder’s book, will be performed on the evening of Saturday, July 27. It should be noted that Father Paul has kindly agreed to make an appearance in the play as Father O’Connell!

HOLY HOUR FOR PRIESTS: On Sunday, June 9, at 3pm, Holy Redeemer Parish, Whitney Pier, will be gathering to pray the Rosary for our Priests and for more vocations to the Priesthood, especially for our diocese. The Rosary will be prayed within Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Readings, Homily and Benediction. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Holy Redeemer Parish Council.

PARISH CENTENARY ART EXHIBIT: If you would like to contribute any of your art work (with a Catholic or Polish theme). Please speak with Frania McKay as soon as possible (539-4354;

PARISH CENTENARY HISTORICAL EXHIBIT ITEMS STILL BEING SOUGHT: Any clippings, photos, any artifacts or documents from you or your ancestors. These will be returned. Please contact Patricia Nalepa (; 563-1226).

Family Reunion, including get-togethers for the whole parish community – August 2-5
Main Centenary Mass and Polish Festival – September 8
Other events are described on our website – There are various activities taking place in honour of our centenary.

ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SERIES – ‘The Bible.’ A DVD series on the Bible, covering the Old Testament through the New Testament, will begin on Thursday, October 10th and run for ten evenings, 6:30pm, downstairs in Holy Redeemer Church. This series is very well done and very informative. A great way to learn the history of our Faith and its development. Last year’s series was extremely well attended each evening. So, mark your calendars and set aside your Thursday evenings and join us.

HAM AND SALAD SUPPER: Saturday, June 22, 5:30pm - 7:30pm in Our Lady of Fatima Hall.  Ham, salad, roll and dessert; tickets are $10.00 each. Eat-in or take-out.  All proceeds will go directly to parish upkeep. Tickets are available in the parish office or by calling: Charlie @562-3036, Allan @564-5788, or Linda @562-2957.  Last date for tickets is June 16th.

MUSIC ON THE MIRA: A variety concert of local talent to be held at the ”Sacred Heart Church“ Marion Bridge  on Trout Brook Road , June 2nd, Sunday evening at 7p.m.   Tea and cookies included and tickets can be obtained at the door. $10per person; children free . More information can be obtained by calling Phyllis Mac Eachern at 902 727- 2277

CAPE BRETON FIDDLERS, Saturday, June 1st, beginning at 7:30pm, at the United Protestant Church, 1524 Kings Road.  Tickets are $10 per person.  For more information please contact 562-4145.


Wishing you a blessed week! Bóg zapłać!

Entrance: Pieśnią Wesela Witamy (Let Us Welcome this Feast with Song – in honour of the month of Mary): The first verse is as follows: Pieśnią wesela witamy; O Maryjo, miesiąc Twój; My Ci z serca cześć składamy; Ty nam otwórz łaski zdrój. W tym miesiącu ziemia cała, Życiem, wonią, wdziękiem lśni, Wszędzie Twoja dźwięczy chwała, Gdy majowe płyną dni.
Offertory: Pzyjmij od Nas Boże
Communion: Jezusa ukrytego – 113 in the coil-bound hymnal
Post-Communion: Jeden W Naturze (honouring the Holy Trinity)
Closing Hymn: Chwalcie Łąki Umajony -- 166